Getting Google to Verify you with Joomfish

I faced an issue with Google Webmasters Tools recently during the domain switch from to  “jfrouter” (Joomfish system level plugin) does not handle Google-bot correctly and throws an error. This error prevents the in-html/in-php “Google-Verification” meta from being read.  You don’t have real access on webmasters tools unless you have bottom domain access (giving webmasters tools doesn’t really do it).  These are ways of remedying this issue.

I faced an issue with Google Webmasters Tools recently during the domain switch from to  “jfrouter” (Joomfish system level plugin) does not handle Google-bot correctly and throws an error. This error prevents the in-html/in-php “Google-Verification” meta from being read.  You don’t have real access on webmasters tools unless you have bottom domain access (giving webmasters tools doesn’t really do it).  There are two ways of remedying this issue:

  1. Assign a “TXT” record to your DNS records
  2. Use the HTML-file verification method.

Also, while setting up Google Verification, I realized that I had forgotten to give Google my site map.  X Map Component is ideal for this (works with K2 if you get this plugin).  Here, I encountered another issue because I use AdminPraise as my backend.  The X Maps backend does not work well with Mootools (Javascript Library) supplied with AdminPraise.  To disable this, make sure to first switch to the default Joomla Admin template “Khepri” then disable the AdminPraise Mootools.  Do this in reverse order to get AdminPraise working again.