Presenting our new logo and website

It’s been an exciting few years and Y-Designs has developed a lot. Over the last five years we’ve:

  • Grown from a team of two to a team of four
  • Moved offices twice (now in our own spot on 1st Ave S)
  • Shifted from just developing websites to a variety of technology solutions
  • Developed from just a brand design studio to a brand strategy studio
  • Started to dabble in a lot of emerging tech including blockchain, VR/360 imaging, and 3D printing
In order to better reflect our development, we’ve redesigned our brand and website. Our previous brand has served us well for the last five years (RIP old logo ?), but it was time to freshen things up. Our new logo is balanced and represents the harmony of design and technology (our specialty). It’s also flexible and a little quirky (our personality). Our new website features a black interface and fun home page video, directed and produced by Jen Vuong, our newest team member.
We would also like to take the time to formally introduce Jen. Jen Vuong studied interaction design at the University of Washington’s School of Art, Art History and Design. She’s been an intern at Y-Designs for over a year. Now as a designer, Jen brings a culture-driven, multifaceted approach to Y-Designs. Her work encompasses visual communication, interaction design, exhibition design, videography, photography, motion graphics and illustration. Outside of Y-Designs, Jen is a freelance illustrator and photographer with an interest in fashion, comics, and music. We’re super excited to have Jen formally join the team!
As we are nerds, we could go on for quite some time about our design and technological decisions behind the new brand and website. Rather than bore you, just go click around yourselves (and please report any bugs to ;)). Best Regards, The Y-D team Still us, just a little grown up