Trenzi: Branding, Web Design, and Mobile App

About a year ago, we started working with our friends over at Trenzi, a social brand-influencer platform. Our work initially consisted of branding and web design, but we soon got started on their mobile app too.  The goal was to define and refine the brand visually and to take their user experience into the next level on all fronts.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve helped Trenzi publish the Trenzi App on both the App Store and the Play Store.

Creating the visual identity: Branding and UI/UX

We worked with Trenzi to develop a unique brand that represents the audience’s needs.  Talking with the Trenzi team, we brainstormed who they are and what they want.  Comparing our notes, we were able to create a brand guideline and a UI/UX style guideline that both teams could follow as the brand and the apps were developed. As a result of this internal brainstorm and client interaction, we were able to use this resource from start to finish in all aspects of the build.  This helped us create a sense of consistency.

Building mobile apps using React Native

When we were initially approached for the mobile app project, our engineering team decided that React Native was the way to go.  We’d already played with React Native on side projects and figured that this would be the best time to put it into production. React Native is a mobile app framework (by Facebook) that let’s you build for iOS and Android at the same time.  In fact, while we did have to write a few iOS (objective-C) and Android (Java) modules for this project, the majority of the code is written in Javascript.  Since we already build a lot of projects using the React.js framework as well as Redux.js, we were very familiar with the concepts as well as the workflow.

Beating the expectations

Trenzi’s concept and the project’s engineering prospects excited us a lot.  It fueled the motivation to take this project to the next level.  Our team worked closely with the founder of Trenzi, Calder Wong, to achieve what we believe is the vision.  The goal was to create a seamless experience for the user for all the functionality that the Trenzi App offers to its users.  We kept the tight timeline for the project in hopes that it would help Calder and his team take their business to the next level.  As Calder put it, “They have either met or beaten expectations on timelines and promises”. In the end, we were able to build the app in under four months as promised.

"They have either met or beaten expectations on timelines and promises."

So, checkout Trenzi for yourself!

If you don’t know what Trenzi does at this point, here’s a little blurb:
People are tired of being advertised to. Brands are tired of wasting money on advertising that just gets lost in the shuffle. Trenzi was created to cut out the middle man and bring great products directly to consumers by people they trust. Simply find products and brands, share with friends on social media, and get rewards. Trenzi also links up with great causes by earning money for classrooms.
Checkout the app on the App Store or the Play Store. Congrats to the Trenzi team!