There are tons of Instagram Plugins. The issue is that we haven’t really found one that lets the developer change the view/html directly.
Many of these plugins will do fine if you’re a normal user, but if you want full control, then this is the plugin for you. Its stupid simple and the idea is that it has no wizardary/magic/bloat built in.
The Problem
There’s a lot of Instagram plugins. I mean like 342 of them that show up on WordPress’ plugin directory.
To be honest, we probably didn’t need to make this plugin, but we wanted something simple where we could store the template in the theme folders.
The Solution
Since we didn’t feel like going through 342 plugins, we just built one instead.
This plugin let’s you be in control of the templating so you can add whatever information you need (or don’t) to your custom feed.
Its meant more for developers than it is for the end users.
Here it is: Instagram Plugin for Developers
How to use the IG for Devs
First, you’ll need to get an Instagram API key from here.
You’ll need to click on the “Register Your Application” button to get them to generate that sweet API key.
Next, you need to configure the settings in the backend.
You should fill in all the information with the corresponding information.
Also, note that the plugin has caching. This feature makes the requests limited and therefore the load times lower.
The “Default limit” is for the number of posts that the system will get.
To place the Instagram feed, you’ll need to just use the [insta_dev] shortcode.
Some Shortcode Options
[insta_dev] shortcode accepts pretty much every option that you’ll need to succeed in creating a custom Instaham feed.
- insta_client_id
- insta_client_secret
- insta_callback
- insta_user
- insta_limit