K2 Catgories

Joomla K2 Categories Revisited

Accessing K2 Categories

1) Login to administrative back-end for your website.

  • Open your browser and go to: www.yoursite.com/administrator.
  • Type in your username and password and log in.

2) Select K2 Categories

  • If your Administration page is showing a “Quick Icons” listing as in figure 1 below, do not use this. Instead, click on the “K2 Quick Icons” drop down menu, located below the “Quick Icons” listing (figure 2).
  • Click on the “Categories” button in the “K2 Quick Icons” listing (shown below in green).

K2 quick icons


Change/Create a New K2 Category

Create New K2 Category – Click on the “New” button, located towards the upper right corner and marked by an orange and white “plus” sign. (shown below in red).

Edit Existing K2 Category – Select the category you would like to edit from the category listing (shown below in yellow).

edit create new k2 category


Important Note About Saving Changes!

  • Whenever you make changes in K2, remember to click on the “Save” button, marked by an orange check (shown below in yellow).
  • After saving your changes, in order to leave the Edit Category page, click on the “Cancel” button, marked by a red and white “x” (shown below in red).
  • You can expedite the process by clicking the “Save & Close” or “Save & New” buttons depending on if you want to save and return to the menu or save and create a new category.

saving in K2


Titles and Descriptions in K2 Categories

  • You can modify the title and/or description via the title text field (shown below in red) and the description text field (shown below in yellow).
    • Titles and descriptions may or may not be used depending on how your site is configured.

K2 titles and descriptions


Uploading Images

For a more detailed description of how to upload and edit images, please see our tutorial on “IMAGES & QUALITY”.

  • You can upload an image via the image field located next to the content/description tab (shown below in red).
  • Just simply select “Choose File” (shown below in yellow) and find the file on your computer.
  • If you would like to delete your image, check the box located at the bottom (shown below in blue), and click the orange save button.

Image upload K2