automating social media

Scheduling and Automating Social Media – SEO Guide

Social media is powerful and effective at getting your attention.  What if you could use that for yourself without all the hassle?

Scheduling posts and automating tasks can make your Social Media campaigns a lot easier.

We like to use Buffer and IFTTT here on a regular basis.

Buffer is for scheduling content and IFTTT is for automating sharing across platforms.

Social Media Scheduling

There are optimal times for sharing, but its hard to always be at the computer when you’re busy working.  With Buffer you can schedule your posts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest. We covered Buffer in another blog post too along with Klout.  We prefer Buffer for most things though. By scheduling all posts on Buffer, you can push out your content to all channels using one tool. To make it even easier, Buffer has a Google Chrome extension too.

Social Media Automation

IFTTT (or If This Then That) is a pass through system that allows you to control the flow of information from one platform to another. Here’s an example we have setup:
If  a new post on Instagram appears, then post that to our Twitter account.
Its easy to setup and free!  The possibilities are endless too!    

In Conclusion:

While its easy to get caught up in Social Media, its just as easy to schedule and automate it.  So, don’t get caught up, use the right tools and just continue with the work! More productivity, you’re welcome! If you’d rather have us set up the automation, you can always contact us.  Find out more about our content marketing services!

Beyond Social

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