
Content26 has been a global leader in e-commerce marketing content for more than a decade. They develop and manage content strategies for some of the world’s most recognizable brands.

Content advertising brought to life

Content26 needed a revamped digital presence and brand as they shifted towards more Amazon focused service offerings. Content26’s brilliance lies in the small details you do not notice, whether it’s snippets of copy or how an e-commerce page is structured. Our biggest challenge was figuring out how to visualize their work. In order to galvanize their messaging and help brands visualize the success of their campaigns, we developed the motto “We make your products stand out” while featuring hi-res product photography alongside Amazon content. In order to reach a broader audience, we also developed a resource-heavy website with video tutorials and marketing tools.

Onboarding made simple

Content26 wanted to feature a contact form that gave them more information on prospective clients so they could improve their marketing and lead generation. We designed an engaging four-step “Get Started” system that not only helps Content26’s team, but also helps prospective clients organize their thoughts as they get their campaigns underway.